Sunday, March 16, 2008

gossips makes the world go round..

now now, i was just thinking. why do pple gossip. why do pple like to talk bout others behind their backs, even though the pple's actions totally DO NOT concern them.

juz gotta say, those pple who gossip are sad pple. they dun haf enough conversational skills or content to keep a conversation going. any conversation. that they have to bring in gossip and watever not, to spice up the conversations.

i mean, its ok to talk bout pple, if the things and actions they did or are doing, affects u. directly or indirectly. but, talking bout pple's love lives? bout pple's interests? what they think bout other people? seriously, its quite obvious they things they do or think do not affect u. unless u r pissed jealous bout e person.

but, its quite sad really. those pple.

you all need help. professional help.

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