Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Ok, upon the request of miss YY, I shall bravely resume my blog. Even though its been almost like forever since I last posted.

Updates to my life, simply for documentation purposes (now, why does this statement sound so familiar), major landmarks this year for me:

Late March: Trip to Extron Europe, Ameersfoort, The Netherlands.
Mid April: Trip to KL for Malaysia Showcase, KL.
Early May: Trip to Phuket, Thailand.
Early June: Got dumped (I think its 1 or 2 June, cant be sure)
Early July: Trip to Christchurch, NZ, and Auckland, NZ for Tertiary Forum
Mid August: Trip to Sydney, Australia for Integrate 2010.

9 Sept - 26 Sept: Nation calls
Mid Nov: Trip to HK for EST, followed by Infocomm, via BUDGET! (seriously, wtf)
5 Dec: Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon!

Stuff that's running through my head now:
- I seriously need to bloody pass IPPT in camp. Else I am oh so screwed.
- Seriously, start to look around, for an alternative 9-5?
- Ignore the daily reminders to go for dating services.

This aint exactly how a blog should go, but, its been quite a while since I last did it, so I do have some excuse for messing it up...

Till then!

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