haiz. i need to start to train more. i cant swim anymore! booo. sucky time trial timing. cant even get my legs to move more. crap.
got a busy nxt few weekends coming up: (this is just to remind myself)
1. 080808: Sani's Wedding. Gotta go down after work.
2. 090808: Fireworks phototaking.
3. 100808: Convo gown phototaking with hall 12 peeps (KIV)
4. 150808: Final Exam Part 1: 100 MCQ.
5. 160808: JiaHao's wedding. Whole day event.
6. 170808: Studying for exams.
7. 180808: Final Exam Part 2: System Validation. Final Exam Part 3: System Design.
8. 21-220808: Train the Trainer Course. Gotta prepare for presentations. ARGHHHHH.
9. 220808: ESCO family day. Whyyyyy must i go run!!!
10. 230808: Helping Mike with his project.
and i am quite sure i left something out. cant think of wat i left out. but i cant be bothered to think anymore. i am tired! and of course, not to mention that i got plenty of trainings coming up. ARGH. for once i actually hope that i dun get into the team. at least i got more time for myself. and my deteriorating fish tank. haiz.
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